The Legacy and the Next Generation

Posted: 23 Jan 2005 8:40 PM

As the berenblog reaches out to the extended family, I have made several changes. First, as you may have noticed, I have been more explicit as to who is related to whom (for example, Naomi Berenberg Leavitt is my mother, and Miriam Berenberg Null is my aunt.)

As of today, I have changed two of the topic links. "The Legacy" refers to all Berenberg kin and their ilk who have passed their sixtieth birthday, and those who are no longer with us.

"The Next Generation" refers to the under-sixty Berenberg kin and their ilk who will be carrying forward the great tradition of Berenbergism. We look forward to great things from them.—JDL

Not Just Another Pretty Face

Posted: 23 Jan 2005 6:57 PM

He're a recent photo from Nancy Leavitt Matus (my sister) of my nephew David in Hawaii and his fiancée Deirdre. I'm told that she just completed the defense of her doctoral thesis last Friday, and the happy couple is celebrating.—JDL

Miriam's Annual Report, Part 2

Posted: 20 Jan 2005 8:30 PM

On December 12, Miriam Berenberg Null, my Aunt Mim, sent this report to her email list. To read, or re-read Part 1, click here.

TRAVELS: Elderhostel in July in Quebec, a repeat visit to a music festival in Joliette, a town about 30 miles north of Montreal. There I met a woman from Oregon, with whom I became very friendly. Celeste is a gem and I am very lucky to have found someone so very compatible we think alike in politics, choice of reading matter, theatre, music--. We expect to go to the Santa Fe Opera Elderhostel this coming summer.

Three visits with Caroline and her family--twice in California, once in CT during the summer, at the home of my niece Nancy Matus. Ruby is just delicious she sings on key and in proper time and now reads fluently. When she comes upon an unfamiliar word she will try to sound it out, then ask for its meaning. They must now move, an unfortunate prospect, given the price of housing in San Francisco. This is complicated by the need to find a public school kindergarten for Ruby for next year, a special California -kind of problem.

HIGHLIGHTS: Two engagements my niece, Elizabeth Marlin, of Fizzy Lizzy fame, to a lovely man; my great-nephew, Dave Matus, to another doctoral student. The weddings will take place respectively in July and September. Makes me feel very ancient!

The 55th anniversary of my graduation from law school: wow! Celebration was a great dinner and a lot of fun with my famous classmates.

May you enjoy all the rewards you deserve in 2005. We must endure another four years of a Bush presidency and wonder what the country will look like in 2008.

LOVE, Miriam

1922—The Promise of Tennis Courts

Posted: 18 Jan 2005 5:10 PM

Naomi Berenberg Leavitt, who recently moved from Pennsylvania to Connecticut, wrote about another move in her memoirs, started in the 1990's, and still ongoing:

"We moved into 1745 E. 7th Street when I was 6 (1922) It had a coal furnace, gas fueled lighting, and the promise of tennis courts for the whole row of houses. They never materialized. My folks paid $6000 for the house, and it sold in the '50's for double.

[Photo] "Mim [Miriam Berenberg Null] at about 18 Months. The 11 year old could be me or my friend Helen Barry."

New Year Letter from Bernie

Posted: 5 Jan 2005 7:14 PM

Bernie Matus emailed this family update at the end of 2004.—Jonathan


This year brings many changes to the Matus household. Nancy retired from medical practice as of January 1. We spent the greater part of this year closing out her practice, transferring her medical records to a colleague, and emptying the office which is presently for sale.

We enjoyed several short trips, including a week in Fort Meyers Beach, a trip to Washington, DC for a dermatology meeting and museum fest, and a short trip to Dallas to hear David's jazz band from the University of Hawaii play at a festival. In May we went with Crow Canyon Archeological Center to Hopi for a cultural trip studying the origins of the kachina culture, and then spent a week on our own at Grand Canyon and in Arizona to see some of the other parks.

We have enjoyed spending time at our home in CT and will have moved by the time this note arrives, selling our PA home. Nancy's mother, Naomi, has moved also to Southbury, CT so that we can remain close to each other.

Bernie had a one-man photography/digital image show at the Institute for American Indian Studies in Washington, CT, along with a showing of our Edward Curtis collection. He plans to do another show next summer there again.

The best news of all is… (to be continued—JDL).

The Kids?

Posted: 3 Jan 2005 10:21 PM

An explanatory note: "Kids" in the context of this blog refers to anyone under 60. Sorry, kids.—JDL

Ruby the Bonbon

Posted: 3 Jan 2005 10:14 PM

Another Ruby photo from Caroline. We hope to get lots more.—JDL

Ruby getting ready for her role as a bonbon in her dance school's production of the Nutcracker. Thirty cuter little girls prancing around a stage you never did see. Alas, some things never change. There was not a boy in sight.

Speak Up, I Can't Hear You…

Posted: 1 Jan 2005 9:17 PM

Happy what???????—JDL

Naomi in Her New Apartment

Posted: 30 Dec 2004 1:33 PM

Having resettled from Bethlehem, PA to Connecticut, my Mom Naomi Leavitt seems to be adjusting to her new, more compact apartment. She tells me by phone that the people there (mostly elderly ladies) are more New Yorkish than the Bethlehem crowd, and she seems happy with the move. (Thanks to my brother-in-law Bernie Matus for the photo) —JDL

Yule Photo from Lisa

Posted: 27 Dec 2004 8:53 PM

Lisa Grossman sends this lovely photo of three generations of berenberg women. For posterity, they are (clockwise from the top) Nancy Leavitt Matus, Lisa Matus Grossman, Naomi Berenberg Leavitt, and Daria Leavitt. —JDL

Here's a picture of some beren-women we took on Xmas day at Grandma Naomi's new home in CT. We had a lovely Jewish Christmas feast at the local Chinese restaurant. Grandma's new place is really nice - and already looks a lot like her old apartment with many familiar items and original artwork around. Josh and I have been moved in to our new place in Queens, NY since August but we haven't hung a single picture on the wall and even though Grandma just moved in a few weeks ago, the place looks like she's been there a lot longer! Happy holidays,



Io Saturnalia!

Posted: 24 Dec 2004 8:17 PM

Here's hoping you got a visit from the Horned God last night.

(Click on Rudolph's nose for enlightenment.)

And check this out (at the Berkeley Merry-Go-Round)—JDL

December Light at Rodeo Lagoon

Posted: 21 Dec 2004 3:41 PM

December light, when the sun's out, may be the most beautiful of the year. The day ends early, of course, and the sun is low over the horizon, creating a raking effect with long shadows and a mysterious white-gold color. Here is Barbara, during a Sunday walk on the bluffs above Rodeo lagoon. I hadn't been here for a while at this time of year, and I had forgotten how beautiful it is. —JDL