Miriam's Annual Report, Part 1

Aunt Mim sent her "annual report", the first half of which is posted today. Many thinks, Mim.—JDL


Wherefore is this year different from those that came before? Not much. Of course the Presidential election took precedence, and I was a determined member of the Anyone but Bush camp. The election absorbed a lot of energy and I am extremely glad it is now behind us, despite the depressing result. MARKERS: Piano and voice lessons continue. Work at my co-op proceeds. Completed overseeing the revision of our basic documents; those now extant are more than 50 years old and very obsolete. We hope to be able to implement their adoption no later than the end of 2005; ? of the shareholders must approve their adoption. Losses: an old friend. Monroe Lerner died in October; I was a dental patient of his mother's when I was 6. When we met again in 1960, his family and mine became great friends. He was a very courageous man who undertook to contest prayer in schools, and he succeeded. Rare bravery against a religious icon in these days of faith based politics. -my long-time housekeeper, who retired due to an injury at home. Replacement was not a happy prospect; she had been with me for more than 17 years and knew all my idiosyncrasies. A relative of hers is now working for me and is working out well.