Miriam's Annual Report, Part 2

On December 12, Miriam Berenberg Null, my Aunt Mim, sent this report to her email list. To read, or re-read Part 1, click here.

TRAVELS: Elderhostel in July in Quebec, a repeat visit to a music festival in Joliette, a town about 30 miles north of Montreal. There I met a woman from Oregon, with whom I became very friendly. Celeste is a gem and I am very lucky to have found someone so very compatible we think alike in politics, choice of reading matter, theatre, music--. We expect to go to the Santa Fe Opera Elderhostel this coming summer.

Three visits with Caroline and her family--twice in California, once in CT during the summer, at the home of my niece Nancy Matus. Ruby is just delicious she sings on key and in proper time and now reads fluently. When she comes upon an unfamiliar word she will try to sound it out, then ask for its meaning. They must now move, an unfortunate prospect, given the price of housing in San Francisco. This is complicated by the need to find a public school kindergarten for Ruby for next year, a special California -kind of problem.

HIGHLIGHTS: Two engagements my niece, Elizabeth Marlin, of Fizzy Lizzy fame, to a lovely man; my great-nephew, Dave Matus, to another doctoral student. The weddings will take place respectively in July and September. Makes me feel very ancient!

The 55th anniversary of my graduation from law school: wow! Celebration was a great dinner and a lot of fun with my famous classmates.

May you enjoy all the rewards you deserve in 2005. We must endure another four years of a Bush presidency and wonder what the country will look like in 2008.

LOVE, Miriam