Thanksgiving 2004

Yesterday was Thanksgiving. Barbara and I took a walk out to Tennessee Valley Cove, which has become a tradition with us the last few years. I wrote a haiku and combined it with a cellphone photo (see below).

The haiku, if you can't read it, is:

Close to the ocean gray clouds have yielded to sun: One more Thanksgiving.

On the way back I called Nancy & Bernie, who celebrated their last Thanksgiving dinner in their Forks Township condo. They will be moving permenently to Connecticut on December 9, a week after Mom (Naomi Leavitt) moves from Bethlehem. The only remaining Berenbergs in the Easton Area will be in the cemetery: David and Rose, my grandparents, and my father Herb.

Daria flew out from New York the night before the holiday to join Eva Rose, Nelva, and one of Nelva's sisters and her husband, visiting from Panama.—JDL