Ruby's Pink Poncho

From Caroline Pincus—JDL

Here's my first contribution to the Berenblog, and thanks to Jonathan for creating it. I wanted to share this photo of the gorgeous pink poncho Miriam knitted for Ruby for Chanukah (and the gorgeous 4-3/4-year-old girl wearing it, too, of course). We are having a not-too-hectic holiday season. We had some of Ruby's friends and their parents over for latkes and dreidl games yesterday, which was a blast. Esther peeled and prepped 12 pounds of potatoes (thank you, Cuisinart) and fried up some absolutely delicious latkes -- all without eggs! It is the Landau family tradition to eat latkes with a sprinkling of powdered sugar. I stick with applesauce but recommend at least trying the powdered sugar. It's good!

Ruby has almost memorized the Chanukah blessings and asks us to do the one with all the "anooos" each night, even though it's only for the first nights.

Love to you all. Caroline