New Year Letter from Bernie (Part 2)

It may be almost two months from New Year's Day, but it's not too late to post the second and final segment of Bernie Matus' New Year letter, for those of you who have not already seen it.

When we interrupted Part 1, Bernie was saying:

Bernie had a one-man photography/digital image show at the Institute for American Indian Studies in Washington, CT, along with a showing of our Edward Curtis collection. He plans to do another show next summer there again.

The best news of all is… (to be continued—JDL).

Here now is Part 2:

…the engagement of David to Deirdre Killebrew who will be finishing her PhD this spring at the University of Hawaii in viral studies. Dave continues with his research in evolutionary and developmental biology and hopes to be finished sometime next year or thereabouts. They have planned a September wedding in St. Louis.

Lisa and Josh have moved from Washington, DC back to the NYC area. Josh is teaching physics at Adelphi University and setting up a research lab at the school. Lisa is the Program Development Coordinator for CUNY School of Professional Studies. They are living in Forest Hills, Queens, and learning the joys of co-op ownership.

Nancy is enjoying the change in pace from her practice, but with all the time involved in packing and moving, has yet to get to the leisure activities she has coveted. She is taking a correspondence course in writing children's literature, and hoping to spend more time painting and making jewelry.

We are looking forward to the New Year with all the exciting changes ahead.

Wishing you and your families a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season and New Year