Nancy Reports: Naomi's Move

Dear folks,

Today was Day 4 of the move. On Wednesday Nancy and Naomi supervised the lengthy loading up of the moving van, and then Bernie, Naomi, and I (Nancy) drove to CT. Yesterday the movers met us bright and early at East Hill Woods in Southbury, CT to unload. They were a great team, and the move was complete by about 3 pm. The new apartment was filled with boxes and furniture everywhere, but we managed to get enough room for Naomi to get to the essentials. On her first day she met many lovely people and already had a dinner engagement for Saturday. Today was a big push to unpack, with the help of a young woman provided by East Hill Woods. Bernie and I helped expedite, and maintenance got up the bookcases, etc. We are all very tired, but things are going well. We look forward (?) to a repeat performance next week as we relocate from Easton to CT over a three day period with the same movers. When we have a chance we will forward some digital pictures of the new place. Fondly, Nancy