Flower Girl

If you think that I've been taking a little vacation from the Berenblog, you're right. Well, the vacation's over, and this afternoon Eva Rose (yes, that Eva Rose, i.e., my daughter) and I met for an Italian soda at Espresso Roma and got caught up. Eva's been quite busy lately:

Since the wedding business dropped off (are any heterosexuals getting married these days, other than David and Deirdre?), Eva has expanded her business Rocío Flowers from a floral design studio to a floral and garden design studio. She is already working on a project redesigning and landscaping a garden for an artist's home in the Berkeley Hills. Some of her other projects including designing and decorating the new headquarters of a Berkeley website producer, who has moved to a larger and posher new location on lower Solano. Eva tells me that his business is booming; I am getting the distinct impression that the dot-com industry is making a good recovery, though not so crazy as in the late '90's.

Most of Eva's energy, however, is going into the courses she is taking as a part-time student, expanding her garden/landscape design skills. She is boning up on native California plants with Glenn Keator, a prominent local botanist who is a prolific writer—tops in his field. She is simultaneously taking courses in drafting (the old-fashioned way, with paper drawings and blueprints), and CAD, doing the same thing with computers. In short she is a total dynamo. However, Eva is not so busy that she can't visit Mica on weekends. They recently spent a weekend in New Orleans for the Jazz Festival.

Naturally, I'm a very proud papa.—JDL

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