Caroline's New Book

Caroline Pincus (daughter of Miriam Berenberg Pincus), a book editor, formerly of HarperSanFrancisco, has co-authored Invisible Girls, the first addition of which is about to be released. Here is what a reviewer on Amazon has said about Invisible Girls:

Dr. Patti Feuereisen has been working with teenage girls for twenty-five years and has been a pioneer in helping abused girls find their voices. What she discovered in listening to hundreds of girls was not only that sexual abuse of young girls is in fact epidemic, but if the abuse can be processed when girls are still young—in their teens and early twenties—remarkable healing can take place. Girls and young women who are given an opportunity to speak out will most often go on to thrive as adults; without such an opportunity the traumatic effects of their abuse will often continue to cause them difficulty long into adulthood.

Invisible Girls weaves together powerful first-person narratives with gentle guidance and seasoned insights to help girls through the maze of feelings that swirl around the abuse experience. This gives every young woman who has experienced sexual abuse the courage that comes from knowing that she is not alone and that she can be vibrant, healthy, and whole.

I will be updating berenblog readers on Invisible Girls as I learn more.—JDL