A Greeting from Mim Null

Congratulations to Miriam Null, who was the first contributor to the berenblog. She writes:

"We had a grand time at Nancy's. In addition to the Leavitt crew, Josh's parents were there: Bernie and Chris Grossman. We had met them last year at Lisa's--they are a lot of fun and as angry as the rest of us (JDL excepted) at the election results. We had a chance to get to know Deirdre better; she is a lovely young woman with a career firmly in mind.

I loved your list of Berenberg Weltanschauung--right on target. Now I should get to work on a Pincus Weltanschau--of course a heavy dose of guilt but major anger predominates. Yet another dysfunctional family to cope with.

Glad you had a good Thanksgiving. Now we must face the rest of the holiday season with all it entails--yet more guilt at what we cannot accomplish. Enjoy the season and keep up this great family blog--complete with pictures.

Love, Mim."