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Espresso Roma, the one across from the Monterey Market, is my favorite Berkeley cafe. The staff is friendly, the terrace is almost always usable, the coffee is good and more or less affordable, and the food is decent, especially the scrambled eggs, Mexican Style, available only on weekends before 11 AM. It's kind of my headquarters for writing entries for this blog.
When I checked out Espresso Roma on the Internet I found that they run cafes in Southern California, and several near the Berkeley campus. I was surprised—the cafes don't have a chain feel like Starbucks, and each one has its own personality. A little research revealed that they were founded by a UC Berkeley engineering graduate and that they own their own bakery and coffee roasting plant.
No, they don't charge extra for the terrace seats, which fill up when the sun is out, even on a chilly winter day. In the pouring rain everybody huddles inside.—JDL
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