This is a weird time of year. Here in Berkeley it's a gorgeous day, sunny, though chilly. The magnolias are already blooming. It's not spring yet, not even winter. The looming New Year makes a guy think about transitions, the passage of time, new stuff—the usual. The numeral 2005 sounds new—shiny and pristine, just out of the box, wheareas 2004 sounds (already), old, scratched, a little battered, like my camera cellphone (which I bought in 2004). This blog is one of the transitions for the new year. I've started it This is a weird time of year. Here in Berkeley it's a gorgeous day, sunny, though chilly. The magnolias are already blooming. It's not spring yet, not even winter. The looming New Year makes a guy think about transitions, the passage of time, new stuff—the usual. The numeral 2005 sounds new—shiny and pristine, just out of the box, wheareas 2004 sounds (already), old, scratched, a little battered, like my camera cellphone (which I bought in 2004). This blog is one This is a weird time of year. Here in Berkeley it's a gorgeous day, sunny, though chilly. The magnolias are already blooming. It's not spring yet, not even winter. The looming New Year makes a guy think about transitions, the passage of time, new stuff—the usual. The numeral 2005 sounds new—shiny and pristine, just out of the box, wheareas 2004 sounds (already), old, scratched, a little battered, like my camera This is a weird time of year. Here in Berkeley it's a gorgeous day, sunny, though chilly. The magnolias are already blooming. It's not spring yet, not even winter. The looming New Year makes a guy think about transitions, the passage of time, new stuff—the usual. The numeral 2005 sounds new—shiny and pristine, just out of the box, wheareas 2004



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A Thousand Hits

12:59 PM Wednesday, April 27, 2005

[Andy Warhol was right!]

At 12:44 PM Pacific Time today, according to my Site Meter, the Coffeeblog has racked up its thousandth site visit. That means that on one thousand separate occasions, someone other than me has visited the site over the Internet. And they're not only visiting, they're actually looking at the different pages. And they're not just Californians or Americans, but readers in Australia, Japan, Germany, the UK, Mexico, the Netherlands, Denmark, New Zealand, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, France, Sweden, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. Cool, huh? I'm very proud of my fifteen minutes of fame.

In my post entitled "Think of a Squid" I acknowledged some of the fine people who contributed to my success by posting links on their blogs. I would also like to thank the geniuses and workaholics and workaholic geniuses whose names I do not know who created Flickr, Technorati,, Furl, and Sitemeter, whose cyberschmoozer technology has made this rapid success possible.

At the one-thousand-hit stage, it's high time that I start making comments and trackbacks possible, and I am doing so beginning with today's post. For that, I thank the good folks at Haloscan. And to you, dear readers, I am issuing this invitation to comment on each of my posts, and react, respond, embellish, clarify, elucidate, edify, or better yet, tell me why you find my writing so brilliant and my images so gorgeous.—JDL

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